Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Warring of Desire

Two Sides:

The side of faith, trust, obedience to law, of eyes gazing upward, of thoughts extending beyond the present towards an eternity totally unknown to the faithless.

The side of emotion, letting go, obedience to myself, of eyes gazing inward, of thoughts grounded in the moment being totally validated by a culture of lost souls.

Each and every one of us upon reading these words can identify in some way or another.
Those who are not saved will not understand what I am referring to because for you, only one side exists. If any of those words in the first side spoke to you and you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then be glad because that means the Holy Spirit has already begun to work within you.

However, if the second side is how you perceive your reality, then I pray that you will find Jesus soon for it will only lead you toward loss and suffering greater than anything you might be able to imagine.

Two Sides:  God’s side or Man’s side. You choose! Paul put it this way in Romans:

Romans 7:18-25 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God--through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.

As a Christian I struggle with doubt and fear as a direct result of this warring in my soul. The question of What If remains at the forefront of my mind at all times until I receive a momentary distraction through television, conversation, food, and any other good gift that God has given me that I have abused to satisfy my own cravings and fears.


Am I afraid or do I fear? You know what’s interesting about being afraid and fearing something. One is an action verb and the other is a state of being. Puts fear into perspective doesn’t it? You have a choice. You can choose to give in to fear. Sometimes we don’t even know what we are giving into and we do it naturally because we don’t know any better. Man, that sucks! Wouldn’t it be nice if when we responded to something out of a gut instinct it would be the “right” reaction? Sadly, sin has crept itself into even the very core of our instincts so that we respond against God instead of for Him.

So what do we do? Learn from Paul and Praise the Lord that He has forgiven those sinful instincts and given us the opportunity through the Holy Spirit to learn from our sins and turn ourselves towards Christ and His grace.

You want to know what fear looks like. Something like this:

Have you ever asked yourself the question What if? What if I had taken a different job? What if I had married someone else? What if I had been born in a different family? What if I was born in a different country? Who would I be? Why am I who I am today?
What if every decision that we make has a consequence? What if those consequences are real? What if with every word that we speak we are shaping ourselves and others? What if I never got the chance to speak to that person again? What if all of these questions are wrong? What if there are no consequences? What if there is no reason?

Do you know what the common thread between each of these questions is? Doubt and Fear.

I find the insurance industry utterly fascinating because it works off of one pre-supposition: What If? All around the world millions of people have purchased insurance just in case. Someone a very long time ago suggested the idea of insurance and in so doing created not only an extremely marketable business model, but also entrapped us all into paying thousands of dollars every year out of fear. Is insurance good? I would venture to say no. Is insurance necessary? Today, I would sadly say yes.

I ask myself every single day What If? Why me? Why this?

Why has God made me the person that I am and not something else? Why have I experienced the things that I have and not others? Why has God structured my life in such a way so that I do certain things but not others?

I have seen specific events occur in my life that have drastically shaped who I am and I know what the opposite result would have been had those events not occurred. What does that mean? It means there are two sides and my life reflects of the side that I have chosen most often. Does that mean I have always chosen God’s side? By no means! But in terms of the large scale scope of events in my life, I have turned away from giving into my natural desires for doing the harder thing more often than not.

And yet.

These two words haunt me through film and music every day. Why you ask? Because every time I see a movie or hear a song that talks about giving into those desires, expressing who you are, being true to yourself, and living with no regrets, I fall victim to the onslaught of the other side and ask myself, “is it really worth it?” Is it worth it to choose God’s side and not my own?

Honestly, if I were not a Christian, I would probably have pursued going to college at a secular institution like U of M and would probably be seeking to make a career or something like it on Broadway. The instinct to sing and dance at all times is a very natural one to me. The idea of expressing the human experience through voice, instruments, dance, and all other forms of artistic expression is one of the most natural and understandable things in the entire world to me.

I might be the least scientific person in the entire world. I got a C- in Bio 1-0-Stupid. But the idea of expressing one’s self through some sort of physical action is almost more natural to me than breathing.

I look back on my life and I see how the college that I chose truly shaped who I am today in such an incredible way. Similarly, I also see how my grandfather’s death when I was 11 and the depression that lasted for 3 years afterwards also tremendously affected me.

Why do I play the violin? Why do I speak French? Why do I love pizza so much? Did god really have all of these things in mind for me? In my mind I know the answer is yes. And yet, (there are those damned words again) in my heart I know I question it. It is in my heart that my questions and doubts and fears lie. Not in my mind. The heart is the fountain of all things deceitful to me.

Trying to give it away is the most arduous and difficult thing for me to do. I desire in my mind and in a portion of my heart to give my heart in love to God. to fall in love with my Savior day after day and rest in His arms of grace that protect and guide me until the day when I will be called into His kingdom and will enter with tears of complete and utter joy as all of the burdens of this life and warring of my soul has ended. When God’s side will have won and Man’s side will have lost. Where the Creator retains forever that which He has created.

But until that day comes I will continue to war. The warring in my heart and soul and mind will continue day after day. I will doubt. I know I will. I will sin. I know I will. But, (perhaps some have argued is the greatest word in the Bible) I will not change sides. My choice has been made. There is no turning back. I will want to turn back and in the process of always changing direction might become dizzy, but Praise the Lord that His Holy Spirit it right there to stop me from spinning to refocus my thoughts, attitudes, and actions towards Christ again.

Lord, I pray. Do a good work in me. Not for my sake, but for Your Name. That name that is above all other names: Jesus Christ. Amen!

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