Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sleepless Nights...

Sadly, yet again, I have been remiss to post more often on my new blog. Although I try to not get too caught up in the whole, “I ought to post more often” thing, I am still human and like trying to keep myself accountable to my loyal fan…(s?) So dear reader it is 1am on my day off. Why am I still up, you ask? Because, I tell you, for whatever reason, sleep has decided to escape from me for the past three weeks or so. To be honest I blame my sister. She kicked me out of sleeping on the basement couch a couple weeks ago and it’s been downhill ever since.

Do you have to have the perfect or at least almost perfect sleeping arrangement in order to fall asleep? Let me assure you, I DO! I need it cold, and quiet, and with a big comforter and a supportive and yet flexible pillow. Lord willing I will one day find a wife with similar qualities.

These ideal conditions have evaded me for quite some time now. It’s like when you go back to sleeping on a twin size bed after sleeping on a full or queen size for a period of time. It requires some adjustment. Normally, I can simply position myself against the wall and it works itself out. However, this hasn’t been working lately. Similar techniques such as adopting the fetal position, obscene drinking, and children’s Nyquil have also failed.

Desperation is not becoming of anyone. Except perhaps a small puppy that just wants some love, but besides puppies, desperation is never good. And yet, this is my reality at the moment. Many people have told me that they can identify with needing sleep simply as a needed respite from the work and pressures that the day has brought upon them. During those nights I can typically force myself asleep. On nights like tonight, however, where I have practically nothing to do tomorrow besides wash my uniform and go to the bank, staying up till 3am doesn’t seem so bad except trying to stay up that late doing anything productive is an exercise in futility. And anyone who has exercised often in futility knows how futile it is and has decided to eat a sandwich instead.

Blogging and listening to music seem to be my only two sources of relief on nights like these. Tonight I happen to be streaming through the list of different songs covered by Karmin in an effort to amuse myself. Other nights I seek to educate myself by watching videos of different violinists on Youtube or opera arias sung by my favorite singers such as Natalie Dessay or Cecilia Bartoli.

Speaking of music, this week I purchased the new Maroon 5 album Hands All Over, and honestly, I really like it. I remember in high school when Maroon 5 was very popular and since then they haven’t really done much. I maybe Hillsdale just shut me off from whatever they were doing, but honestly I really like their sound that they have on this album. It’s a lot of fun and it includes a cover of Alicia Keys’ If I Ain’t Got You that is awesome! If you’re looking for a good pick me up album for your chore days or for on your way to work, I recommend Maroon 5 to you.

So my question to you is, how do you kill time like insomnia? I’ve tried reading, but honestly, something within me is repulsed by the idea of reading past midnight. Maybe it’s just bad memories from high school and college, but I want to enjoy my reading with tea or coffee with the daylight streaming in on my couch as I educate myself and pause to contemplate whilst looking out the living room window.

Perhaps I will be fortunate enough to be able to live out this picture tomorrow. Let’s hope so. I would appreciate your prayers that I might be able to find a solution to my sleepless ways. Otherwise, more late night ranting will occur. In any case, I am going to try and reading some music and follow along with a recording and hope that helps. Bruch’s Scottish Fantasy is a great piece for just such an occasion. Have a wonderful night all, and I hope that you all sleep better than I do. Ciao!


  1. While I can't say that I don't enjoy the rantings, I will be thinking of you. While you're having sleepless nights, I have sleepless mornings (I get up at 3:30am for work at this moment in time) Right now, music works well, but I do find that watching movies, especially ones I've seen before, knock me out pretty fast. Hopefully, it'll help you too!

  2. I can definitely feel you on the sleepless nights thing. Its hard for me sometimes to shut my brain off -- my body is exhausted but yet my mind just won't shut up. Grad school does that to you I guess. I just try to think of really mundane things like my grocery list and visualizing my drives to different places. Then of course come the times like last night where I wanted to finish a chapter in a book and was so tired I dropped my Kindle on my face when I dozed off. Talk about a rude awakening!

  3. Oh gosh. This happens to me too. I am so used to sleep in a coffin-like environment that last week, being home in Texas in my queen-size bed from high school was kind of scary. I just had to stay up late.

    And good things for insomnia:

    1) Wine -- but you already knew that
    2) HBO -- anytime, anywhere
    3) David McCullough Books. They're soothing. Victor Davis Hanson also works for this. So does JRR Tolkien. NOT that he is boring. Ever. Just, worn in and lovely.
